Ep 44: When is the Last Time You Played as an Adult? with Gary Ware

My man, Gary Ware, stepped into the diner and brought a bunch of truth and his expertise in play to the booth. Before we dove into all that we compared notes on how we both eat our pancakes. Then we discussed our mutual love, improv comedy. I asked Gary how Gary got into improv (turns out it was completely on accident!) and what improv taught him about himself. We then chatted about getting diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and where the shame creeps in. Gary made a huge shift going from a full-time marketing job to selling everything to starting his own company as an entrepreneur, so naturally, we had to talk about it. Then we got into his bread and butter: Play. We discussed why it is hard for adults to play and what we need to do to incorporate more play in their lives. This one ended super strong, y’all!